How To Connect SQL Database from Management Studio & Visual Studio Print

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Many Of Peoples want to tr toy connect MSSQL Database from their Local PC. But they don't know How to do it.
Here we share how to do it. Please Follow Step By Step.
For Connecting with Database at first you have to connect with Secure link server. Secure Link Server is a VPS tools. You Have to download Secure Link Software. Download From Here. After Download this Software you have to Log in this Secure Link. User Name & Password is you Hosting Control Panel User name & Password. Already this User & Password given by Our Dhaka Office.
Note: If you use our Nova server & DB MSSQL 2008 then choose connection string Nova SQL2K8 or if you use our Nova 2.0 hosting & MSSQL 2014 then use Nova_SQL 2014
In this image,e you can see the secure link is connected & If you use NOVA server then you have to choose Nova _SQL2K8. As per our Secure Link software connection string is showing in there.
Server=localhost,8575;Database=[Name];User ID=[User];Password=[Pwd] >Note: Local Host =
Now you have to create MSSQL 2008 Database from your Hosting panel. Also create an user & connect that user to database.
Now If you want to connect with SQL Management Studio Then Open this Software. Input Log in details in following way:
Server Type > Database Engine
Server Name >,8575
Authentication > SQL Server Authentication
Log in : Database User Name (Which you create from Hosting Control Panel)
Password: Which you given for User Name.
Note: In here no need to input Database name. Because User Connected with Database already. Als,o you Must need to connected with Secure Link software.
After Connection Complete your Management Studio Software Look like this type.
Now If you Want to Connect with Microsoft Visual Studio then Go to Following way:
First You have to Open VB Studio From your Local PC. After That Go to Tools > Connect To Database. You can seethe following box:
Use This information following way:
Data Source > Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient)
Server Name >,8575 
Log in information > User Name & Password
Connect to Database > Input your Database Name.
After all information input press OK. You have to seen below Page & Your work in done.
If you want to Configure your "Web Config" file then please follow the below connection string (This Connection String work on SQL Server 2014):
<add name="Meconn" connectionString="Data Source=SQL2014;Initial Catalog=MEDB;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=vmx;Password=!!!@@@___VMX_1993" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Note: For Connecting SQL DB in Visual Studio You Must need to connect with Secure Link First. Also, Remember in your web application connection string will be SQL2K8.& SQL2014

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