How to Setup Webmail on your iPhone Outlook App Print

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How to Setup Webmail on your iPhone Outlook App

Go to your iPhone App Store and search for "Microsoft Outlook." Download and install the app.
Once the installation is complete, open the Outlook app.


Follow the steps below to add webmail to the Outlook app:

  • Click Add Email Account
    Type in the email address
    Set Up Account Manually


On the IMAP Account Settings page, fill in the Incoming Mail and Outgoing Mail options, including the hostname and port number of your mail server. Then, choose SSL/TLS or None as the encryption method for incoming mail and click Next.


Use the display name and description you like before setting up your account.

  • Email Address: your email
    Display Name:

IMAP Incoming Email Server:

  • IMAP Port: 143 (993/SSL)
    Port Security: None
    IMAP Username: Your email address
    IMAP Password: Your email password


SMTP Outgoing Email Server

  • SMTP
    SMTP Port: 25/None (465/SSL)
    Port Security: None
    SMTP Username: Your email address
    SMTP Password: Your email password


Click on the Next Button


Click On the Accept Button 


Click on the Continue to Outlook Button


If you complete the above steps correctly, the following interface will be displayed.



Congratulations! Webmail setup in Outlook on your iPhone has been successful.

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